We Are Developed in Secret

by | Mar 30, 2016 | DEVOTIONS

It’s tempting to think we have to be “all out there” to become someone important, but it’s in the secret place we are developed — not on stages. It’s in secret we are developed, like an image in a photographer’s dark room; like a seed in the soil; like a baby in her mother’s womb; like a pearl in its oyster; like a man and His God in the desert.

God wants us to succeed in our purpose even more than we do, because success in God always means more lives impacted and more souls saved. We are smart, and we know a lot things, but God knows what it takes to succeed more that we do. He will have us working wiser.
We may be tempted, in the name of productivity, to ignore God’s call to intimacy. We make Him wait, while we try and accomplish all the things we think can’t wait.

We believe success is in the hustle, but often success is found in the hush.

It’s found in hearing His still, quiet whisper while we sit at Jesus’ feet. Success is found in heeding the voice of the Spirit. It’s found in our step-by-step obedience following God, especially in saying yes to the steps that seem to take us further away from where we want to go.
God’s way is so much higher than ours. When we answer His call to draw near, it’s always so we can know Him more. When we know Him — His heart, words, and ways — He can send us out more prepared, equipped, strengthened, and empowered with a clearer vision and a greater understanding our purpose and how to fulfill it. It’s God’s way.
His call will always take us closer to Him. Always. If you answer a call that doesn’t, chances are it wasn’t God calling.

Do you hear God’s call to be still and draw near to Him?
What keeps you from answering it?


Michele-Lyn is a wife and mama of four. Sometimes she’s still more of a mess than she cares to admit, but she will so you will know we are all in the process. You’ll find her on Periscope sharing about motherhood, and her articles about embracing beautiful messes on her personal blog. But lately she is focused and passionate about sharing, on The Pointed Life, the words she hears God speak. She’s an advocate for World Help, and is graduating from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL this Spring with a degree in Leadership and Psychology. Michele-Lyn is also the founder of The Pointed Life.

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