The Pointed Life exists to encourage and equip women to know who they are by knowing God more, to live a life shaped by God for God, and to lead a life that points the way to Him.


We desire to help women connect to God and each other. Our hearts are not set on building platforms, but on helping women build the lives they are called to lead. We want to help women know the truth of who they are, beloved and chosen of God. By knowing God and His Word, we believe women will be empowered to live out their purpose.

We want to see the captive set free, the hungry and thirsty filled, the wounded healed, and those who have lost their way–found. We want to see women saved, healed, filled, and freed to rise us and take their place so they can help others do the same. We want to inspire women to seek God, and study His Word above all else.

We encourage women to cultivate a deep relationship with God and their family, as well as journey alongside other women. We do that by offering weekly devotions, teaching videos, cultivating community, and providing other resources such as Bible studies, articles, videos, and soon coming devotional books, journals and prints.

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